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Counting Objects
In a recent administration of the Counting Objects (#1) assessment with Kindergarteners, the following question arose:
Sometimes, students will miscount the quantity presented (ex. we present 12 blocks but they count 13) but can name the miscounted quantity easily when asked "How many did you count?" (ex. they say "13"). The options for recording are "Knows, Recounts To Find Out, or Doesn't Remember". While they are able to recall the quantity they counted, they counted the pile incorrectly to begin with. How can this be accurately recorded?
We are considering using "Doesn't Remember", as we see that we are able to document the inconsistency in the following question related to Rote Counting (skips 1 number or sequence is incorrect). Is this the best way to do this?
We appreciate any thoughts you can provide regarding this.
from Kathy Richardson
I understand the confusion, but let me share my thinking.
There is a stage of thinking that I refer to as Count and Land. At this stage, the child is focused on the process of touching each object, saying the sequence, and telling where they landed. The number has no meaning to them, so if you ask them, "How many did you count?', they will either shrug their shoulders or recount. The student you are describing was able to hold the number he "thinks" he counted and is able to tell you that number. The fact it is an incorrect number is a different issue. As far as the child is concerned, it is the number he counted. So the response that describes this is "Knows". The fact the child lost track will show up when you choose the indicator that describes that: Loses track.
I know it feels "wrong" to give a child credit for a wrong answer, but what we need to do is analyze what we are trying to find out and if the child is or is not able to do that.
Let me know if you have further questions about this or have any other questions.
A kindergarten student received a "N" on Counting Objects, Part 2,Task 3, One More/One Less. The teacher gave the assessment using AMC Anywhere, the web-based version. What does the N mean? Did the program not allow the teacher to continue on to Task 4 because of how the student scored on Task 3?
from Kathy Richardson
A child who "Needs Prerequisite (N)" is incorrect 2 or 3 times out of the three questions asked. The assessment results would show what range of numbers the child was working with when they received an N and whether it was for One More or One Less. The child does not go on to Task 4 if they got an N because Task 4 assumes proficiency with Task 3. In Task 3, the child is asked to tell one more when the numbers are presented in sequence. In Task 4, they are asked to tell one more when the numbers are not in sequence.