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AMC Online/Anywhere
My school is using the web-based version of Assessing Math Concepts (AMC Anywhere). When I'm looking at my class summary report generated by AMC Anywhere, I see that there are different colored shapes that indicate the instructional level. What do the shapes mean? I can't find that information anywhere.
from Kathy Richardson
Here is some information about the new symbols on the Class Summary reports.
The shapes and colors were added to give you a visual picture of how your kids are doing.
I think you will see the real value of these symbols if you look at the Instructional Report.
On the Instructional Report, the children are organized by level so you can see at a glance which children are at the same level.
N ( Reddish Square) Needs Prerequisite
I (Blue Triangle) Needs Instruction
P (Yellow Circle) Needs Practice
A-(Yellow Circle) Not Quite Ready to Apply
A (Green Rhombus) Ready to Apply
The shapes are used to highlight what the child knows (highest A) and what they need to work on (the lowest P - or I or N in those cases where the child has not reached the P level yet).
The particular colors and shapes have no meaning. They were just chosen arbitrarily.
I hope this is helpful. If this is not clear or you need more information, let me know.
Best wishes for a great school year.
When one of our teachers enters comments into the assessments, using the web-based version (AMC Anywhere), the comments do not "stick" to that question. The comments show up on subsequent questions as well, even if they don't apply, and my teachers have to undo them. Is there a way around this?
from Kathy Richardson
Unfortunately, the program cannot link comments or notes to just one answer. The comments are to summarize the assessment in general. It is probably best to enter the comments at the end. However, if you do mark something during the assessment, you need to know it will show up at the bottom of the report and not be linked to any particular question. The same is true for the notes. If you type in a note, it will show up at the end of the report, so you need to be specific, since those will also not be linked to any particular question.
There is only one Notes/Comment page per assessment on the Web Version, not one for each task. Teachers are finding it difficult to use this effectively because they have to note each task for each comment; comments don't correspond with tasks.
from Kathy Richardson
The comments were intended to be generalizations, not specific to each question. Your question is timely since I have just finished a document explaining the thinking behind the comments.